Feb 29, 2020
I have seen the tears of a unicorn. I have squinted through shielded lenses to watch bright white stars spinning out plasma. I have seen the battle of mouse armies. I have seen the glowing green heart of the oldest oak in my home realm.
A map led me to all of these and more.
Three not-so-intrepid explorers are...
Feb 22, 2020
Sometimes you have a dream that can’t come true because what you want isn’t a part of reality. Example. Say you’re a ten-year-old girl, and you love unicorns, and your dream in life is to see one, maybe touch one. But at least see one. A real unicorn. Your dream can’t come true, because there is no such thing as...
Feb 14, 2020
I need for you to be real. I need for you to be who I think you are. If you’re not real, then today is the day I die.
Once upon a time, the Lovelocke family gained great wealth, and then they found great fortune. What was their true fortune?
Find out in this episode.
Genre: Fantasy, Mythology
Story: “
Feb 7, 2020
I snapped awake at the sound of subdued screaming music spilling from the headphones of the teen who had just settled down on the seat next to me. I glanced over at her, and she flicked her gaze in my direction, as if daring me to say something. But I was preoccupied by the feeling that something was wrong. I shook...