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Oct 28, 2022

When the Lavendars sought to settle on new lands, they were warned that the surrounding moors were haunted by strange creatures.

Genre: Horror, Mystery


Nisha knew what was in the basket though she could no longer see it and could barely hear it. The “allfeistus” they were called once. Strange creatures...

Oct 21, 2022

A young investigator must spend a set number of nights in a haunted house to earn a hefty inheritance.

Genre: Horror, Mystery


“You said it yourself. I’ll keep it simple.” Kay rose from her chair. “I will investigate thoroughly, find nothing paranormal, report my findings, and then…” She clapped...

Oct 14, 2022

After closing his latest case, a private investigator who specializes in finding missing persons starts experiencing strange changes.

Genre: Horror, Mystery

“Can you put that out?” I asked through clenched teeth.

I was still hunched over the desk, but I could smell it. Her cigarette. It felt as if every...

Oct 7, 2022

A man overwhelmed by the good but stressful changes in his life wishes he could switch places with his reflection.

Genre: Horror, Mystery


“If only I could take your place,” he said to her. And I felt my gut drop. I banged against the mirror’s inside surface and I kept my gaze from straying to the...